Serviço de integração de gateway de pagamento personalizado para Lojas Shopify Brasil.
Podemos conectar seus gateways de pagamento do Brasil à sua própria loja Shopify
Serviço de integração de gateway de pagamento hospedado para o Shopify a partir de US $ 250 / –
Estamos felizes em integrar seus gateways de pagamento no Brasil às suas lojas Shopify usando o método HPSDK. Oganro é um parceiro do Shopify. Temos uma vasta experiência no desenvolvimento e integração de gateways de pagamento de terceiros para lojas Shopify em todo o mundo. Usamos a opção SDK de pagamento hospedado para integrar esses gateways de pagamento às lojas do Shopify. Na etapa final da finalização da compra, seu cliente será redirecionado para a página segura dos respectivos fornecedores de pagamento terceiros para concluir a transação. Caso seu gateway de pagamento não esteja listado abaixo, não fique desapontado. Basta enviar-nos um e-mail com o nome do seu provedor de gateway de pagamento brasileiro e teremos prazer em ajudá-lo a integrá-los sem hesitar.

Temos o prazer de conectar sua loja Shopify a qualquer gateway de pagamento de sua preferência.
Principais gateways de pagamento suportados no Brasil
- Cielo Brazil
- Boleto Flash
- REDE Brazil (Itaú Unibanco)
- GETNET (Santander Brazil)
- Online Debit (Banco Bradesco)
- Online Debit (Itau BBA)
- PEC Flash (Cash payments)
- Online Debit (Banco do Brasil)
- Online Debit (Banrisul)
- Brazilian Bank Transfers
Vamos falar sobre como podemos ajudá-lo a integrar IPGs brasileiros à sua loja Shopify
Procurando integrar o IPG local com o Shopify, ficaremos muito animados em falar sobre isso. Temos anos de experiência na integração de IPGs de terceiros para o Shopify em todo o mundo. Queremos oferecer conselhos e fornecer uma cotação para sua exigência.
Country Name | List of payment gateways and online merchants we integrate with Shopify |
Andorra | List of Andorra payment gateways and online merchants |
Angola | List of Angola payment gateways and online merchants |
Anguilla | List of Anguilla payment gateways and online merchants |
Argentina | List of Argentina payment gateways and online merchants |
Armania | List of Armania payment gateways and online merchants |
Aruba | List of Aruba payment gateways and online merchants |
Azerbaijan Republic | List of Azerbaijan Republic payment gateways and online merchants |
Belarus | List of Belarus payment gateways and online merchants |
Benin | List of Benin payment gateways and online merchants |
Bermuda | List of Bermuda payment gateways and online merchants |
Bhutan | List of Bhutan payment gateways and online merchants |
Bolivia | List of Bolivia payment gateways and online merchants |
Brunei | List of Brunei payment gateways and online merchants |
Burkina Faso | List of Burkina Faso payment gateways and online merchants |
Burundi | List of Burundi payment gateways and online merchants |
Cambodia | List of Cambodia payment gateways and online merchants |
Cameroon | List of Cameroon payment gateways and online merchants |
Cape Verde | List of Cape Verde payment gateways and online merchants |
Cayman Island | List of Cayman Island payment gateways and online merchants |
Chad | List of Chad payment gateways and online merchants |
Colombia | List of Colombia payment gateways and online merchants |
Comoros | List of Comoros payment gateways and online merchants |
Cook Island | List of Cook Island payment gateways and online merchants |
Costa Rica | List of Costa Rica payment gateways and online merchants |
Cote D’lvoire | List of Cote D’lvoire payment gateways and online merchants |
Djibouti | List of Djibouti payment gateways and online merchants |
Domestic Republic of the Congo | List of Domestic Republic of the Congo payment gateways and online merchants |
Dominican Republic | List of Dominican Republic payment gateways and online merchants |
El Salvador | List of El Salvador payment gateways and online merchants |
Eritrea | List of Eritrea payment gateways and online merchants |
Falkland Island | List of Falkland Island payment gateways and online merchants |
Faroe Island | List of Faroe Island payment gateways and online merchants |
Gabon Republic | List of Gabon Republic payment gateways and online merchants |
Gambia | List of Gambia payment gateways and online merchants |
Greenland | List of Greenland payment gateways and online merchants |
Guatemala | List of Guatemala payment gateways and online merchants |
Guinea | List of Guinea payment gateways and online merchants |
Guinea Bissau | List of Guinea Bissau payment gateways and online merchants |
Guyana | List of Guyana payment gateways and online merchants |
Jamaica | List of Jamaica payment gateways and online merchants |
Kenya | List of Kenya payment gateways and online merchants |
Kiribati | List of Kiribati payment gateways and online merchants |
Kuwait | List of Kuwait payment gateways and online merchants |
Kyrgyzstan | List of Kyrgyzstan payment gateways and online merchants |
Laos | List of Laos payment gateways and online merchants |
Macedonia | List of Macedonia payment gateways and online merchants |
Madagascar | List of Madagascar payment gateways and online merchants |
Maldives | List of Maldives payment gateways and online merchants |
Mali | List of Mali payment gateways and online merchants |
Marshal island | List of Marshal island payment gateways and online merchants |
Mauritania | List of Mauritania payment gateways and online merchants |
Mayotte | List of Mayotte payment gateways and online merchants |
Micronesia | List of Micronesia payment gateways and online merchants |
Monaco | List of Monaco payment gateways and online merchants |
Mongolia | List of Mongolia payment gateways and online merchants |
Montenegro | List of Montenegro payment gateways and online merchants |
Montserrat | List of Montserrat payment gateways and online merchants |
Namibia | List of Namibia payment gateways and online merchants |
Nauru | List of Nauru payment gateways and online merchants |
Nepal | List of Nepal payment gateways and online merchants |
Netherlands Antilles | List of Netherlands Antilles payment gateways and online merchants |
Nicaragua | List of Nicaragua payment gateways and online merchants |
Niger | List of Niger payment gateways and online merchants |
Nigeria | List of Nigeria payment gateways and online merchants |
Niue | List of Niue payment gateways and online merchants |
Norfolk Island | List of Norfolk Island payment gateways and online merchants |
Panama | List of Panama payment gateways and online merchants |
Papua New Guinea | List of Papua New Guinea payment gateways and online merchants |
Paraguay | List of Paraguay payment gateways and online merchants |
Peru | List of Peru payment gateways and online merchants |
Pitcaim Island | List of Pitcaim Island payment gateways and online merchants |
Quater | List of Quater payment gateways and online merchants |
Republic of Congo | List of Republic of Congo payment gateways and online merchants |
Russia | List of Russia payment gateways and online merchants |
Rwanda | List of Rwanda payment gateways and online merchants |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | List of Saint Pierre and Miquelon payment gateways and online merchants |
Saint Vincent and Grenadines | List of Saint Vincent and Grenadines payment gateways and online merchants |
Samoa | List of Samoa payment gateways and online merchants |
Sao Tome and Principe | List of Sao Tome and Principe payment gateways and online merchants |
Sierra Leone | List of Sierra Leone payment gateways and online merchants |
Solomon Island | List of Solomon Island payment gateways and online merchants |
Somalia | List of Somalia payment gateways and online merchants |
Sri Lanka | List of Sri Lanka payment gateways and online merchants |
St. Helena | List of St. Helena payment gateways and online merchants |
Suriname | List of Suriname payment gateways and online merchants |
Svalbard and Jan Mayan Island | List of Svalbard and Jan Mayan Island payment gateways and online merchants |
Swaziland | List of Swaziland payment gateways and online merchants |
Tago | List of Tago payment gateways and online merchants |
Tajikistan | List of Tajikistan payment gateways and online merchants |
Tanzania | List of Tanzania payment gateways and online merchants |
Tonga | List of Tonga payment gateways and online merchants |
Tunisia | List of Tunisia payment gateways and online merchants |
Turkmenistan | List of Turkmenistan payment gateways and online merchants |
Turks and Caicos Island | List of Turks and Caicos Island payment gateways and online merchants |
Tuvalu | List of Tuvalu payment gateways and online merchants |
Uganda | List of Uganda payment gateways and online merchants |
Ukraine | List of Ukraine payment gateways and online merchants |
Vanuatu | List of Vanuatu payment gateways and online merchants |
Vatican City State | List of Vatican City State payment gateways and online merchants |
Vietnam | List of Vietnam payment gateways and online merchants |
Virgin Island | List of Virgin Island payment gateways and online merchants |
Wallis and Futuna Island | List of Wallis and Futuna Island payment gateways and online merchants |
Yemen | List of Yemen payment gateways and online merchants |
Zambia | List of Zambia payment gateways and online merchants |